Consultancy for QIB Staff

Consultancy for QIB Staff

Consultancies are an effective way for QIBs research activities to have additional impact through engagement with external partners such as companies, public sector bodies and charities. QIB Extra can facilitate consultancies on behalf of all QIB staff taking care of all the non-scientific aspects of these projects.

Why perform consultancies?


It creates future opportunities


Through consultancies, you can develop new relationships with external organisations or build on existing relationships. This can lead to future research collaborations, academic funding opportunities or opportunities for further commercial income.

Income generation


Where work is performed outside of normal working hours income from consultancy may be taken directly by the consultant.


Alternatively, where time permits, if work is undertaken during core hours then the money can be used to support other research activities.

Why go through QIB Extra?


QIB Extra takes care of the administrative, financial and contractual issues associated with any consultancy, allowing you to focus on the relationship with the client and the delivery of the consultancy itself.


Furthermore, by going through QIB Extra your activities will be included under our company insurance, shielding you from unnecessary liability.


For this support, a small management fee is included in each consultancy contract and is covered by the client separately from the consultant's earnings. 

Please Contact us to find out more.

Consultancy for External Organisations

Tap into the expertise of Quadram Institute Bioscience through consultancies in areas including, food safety, sequencing, bioinfirmatics, the microbiome, novel foods, nutrition, and more.

Bioanalysis Consultancy

Our bioanalysis consultancy offers specialised analysis of polyphenols, fatty acids, bile acids, and metabolites, with access to advanced mass spectrometry equipment, expert training, and support for your research and product development.

Sequencing Consultancy

Access the Quadram Institute's expertise in sequencing and sample extraction through QIB Extra to maximise the effectiveness of your sequencing projects and pipelines. 

Applied Contract Research and Analytical Services for Industry

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Latest News

New service: TraDIS-Xpress


QIB Extra recently introduced TraDIS-Xpress, a groundbreaking service designed to assess the importance of individual genes in a bacterial genome within specific conditions. This service helps generate libraries of distinct mutants, gauges the impact on gene expression, and facilitates the examination of essential genes. It's a significant step forward for genetic investigations.

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QIB Extra's Quality Policy


Take a look at our Quality Policy 

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