
Dr Martin Webb

Consultant Microbiologist

Dr Martin Webb is the Consultant Microbiologist at QIB Extra. He is responsible for leading research projects, primarily relating to Clostridium botulinum and food challenge tests, analysing, interpreting, responsible for the quality of findings, and reporting upon findings presented to clients, for which Martin acts as a central point of contact when discussing with relevant clients their project, among other duties which makes Martin integral to the team at QIB Extra.

After completing his PhD at the University of Liverpool, UK. Martin worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Westlakes Scientific Consulting in Cumbria, UK, before joining Prof. Mike Peck's research group at Quadram Institute Bioscience, formerly known as the Institute of Food Research, in Norwich, UK. Martin’s research focused on investigating germination and outgrowth from individual spores of Clostridium botulinum to gain greater understanding of the physiology and variability surrounding these events; and using physiological and genomic techniques to examine variability between Clostridium botulinum strains.
Martin joined QIB Extra as a Microbiologist in 2018, using his extensive knowledge and research focus to investigate survival and growth of spore-forming bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum and Bacillus cereus in foods during both ambient and chilled storage. With his research experience, he has since expanded QIB Extra's reputation and reach to become a respected partner for Clostridium botulinum challenge testing around the world.

In March 2023, Martin, with over twenty-two years’ experience working with the important foodborne pathogen Clostridium botulinum, became the lead Microbiologist within QIB Extra, and took on the role of Microbiologist Consultant in Prof. Mike Peck's stead.


Dr Alan Brailsford

Head of Operations


Dr Ida Porcelli



Kirsty Holmes



Chris Tallent

Contracts Administrator


Carmen Nueno-Palop

Business Development Manager (NCYC)


Jeanette Newman

Microbiologist (NCYC)


Maria Monzon

Microbiologist (NCYC)



Consultancies with Research Leaders

IFR Extra - Food Science Solutions Fast

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