
Kirsty Holmes


Prior to joining QIB Extra in March 2017 as a Microbiologist, Kirsty Holmes gained a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal and Plant Biology at Sheffield University and then spent over 22 years working in the food industry in various food manufacturing roles, including Quality Assurance, Technical, Hygiene, production, and predominantly as an industrial microbiologist.

Kirsty spent over 16 years running the internal Chemistry and Microbiology laboratories at Bernard Matthews Ltd. in Norwich, covering a wide variety of nutritional and microbiological tests. These included standard food tests such as Group 1 nutrition, pH, Water activity, and food pathogen testing such as Listeria spp., Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp., as well as routine indicator and spoilage tests. She was involved in both method development, validation, and quality assessment of all method performances, garnering a wide variety of test method experience using standard and innovative techniques over the years.

Kirsty additionally gained experience assisting other departments with problem solving in relation to microbiological issues within the production areas and across the business as a whole.


Dr Alan Brailsford

Head of Operations


Dr Martin Webb

Consultant Microbiologist


Dr Ida Porcelli



Chris Tallent

Contracts Administrator


Carmen Nueno-Palop

Business Development Manager (NCYC)


Jeanette Newman

Microbiologist (NCYC)


Maria Monzon

Microbiologist (NCYC)



Consultancies with Research Leaders

Applied Contract Research and Analytical Services for Industry

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New service: TraDIS-Xpress


QIB Extra recently introduced TraDIS-Xpress, a groundbreaking service designed to assess the importance of individual genes in a bacterial genome within specific conditions. This service helps generate libraries of distinct mutants, gauges the impact on gene expression, and facilitates the examination of essential genes. It's a significant step forward for genetic investigations.

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QIB Extra's Quality Policy


Take a look at our Quality Policy 

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