DNA Sequencing

DNA Sequencing

Welcome to our Genomic DNA Sequencing Service, an innovative solution that seamlessly integrates Short-Read Sequencing and Long-Read Sequencing technologies. This comprehensive service ensures a thorough analysis of genomic DNA, providing crucial insights using a variety of applications.
Our Short-Read Sequencing service makes use of high-throughput Illumina platforms to generate short DNA fragments, typically ranging from 400 to 600 base pairs, resulting in paired end 150 bp reads. We have an established and robust library preparation method with minimal variation on GC content that utilises over 1500 Unique Dual Indexes to meet your sequencing needs. The same library preparation method can be utilised for the sequencing of amplicons, plasmids, bacteria, yeast and phage, as well as complex microbial communities. We also offer a service where we perform library preparation and pooling only, which allows for cost effective sequencing at your preferred sequencing service provider if required.

Our Long-Read Sequencing service employs ONT technologies to produce longer DNA fragments, dependent upon the input material, this approach facilitates the detection of structural variations and phasing variants, and enables de novo assembly. Long-Read Sequencing provides an in-depth exploration of the genome, uncovering details that contribute to a nuanced understanding of genetic information. We also offer a combined short- and long-read sequencing service to deliver complete, high quality small genome assembly.

In addition to our sequencing services, we also offer a long-term Genomic Consultancy Service. This consulting service provides expert guidance on experimental design, data interpretation, and strategic planning, tailored to meet your specific research or clinical requirements. Our commitment is to ensure that your genomics projects align with the most effective and impactful strategies, providing sustained support for your long-term objectives.

Our methodology extends beyond the generation of sequencing data, incorporating a robust bioinformatics pipeline for data processing, alignment, and analysis. Variant annotation adds functional insights to identified variants, and the integration of both short and long read data ensures a comprehensive genomic analysis. The reporting and interpretation phase is designed to be user friendly and accessible, while providing detailed reports which incorporate data visualisations and interpretations. This approach offers valuable insights for researchers, clinicians, and genetic counsellors alike, empowering you to make informed decisions based on a holistic genomic perspective.

If you would like to find out more about our range of DNA sequencing services, then please download our digital brochure here or begin discussing your project needs with us through our contact us page.

Key person

Analysis of Food Bioactives

Food Bioactives, particularly plant-based bioactives, are the focus of intense research with regards to their beneficial health properties.

Bespoke Scientific Research

Including food science and innovation, gut health (inc. microbiome) and microbes in the food chain.

Clostridium botulinum challenge testing

QIB Extra tests for toxin types B and E as these are the common toxins associated with chilled food products however tests for other botulinum toxins are also available.

Pathogen Challenge Testing

Our pathogen food challenge testing services to evaluate the effectiveness of your food safety protocols by introducing targeted pathogens, helping you ensure your products meet the highest safety standards.


TraDIS-Xpress is a high-resolution, whole-genome assay that identifies novel mechanisms of triclosan action and resistance.

Microscopy Services

Our microscopy services cater to diverse biomedical and food research needs. Access cutting-edge equipment, personalised training, and comprehensive support for image acquisition, processing, and analysis.

Bioanalysis Service

Specialising in polyphenol analysis, our advanced techniques ensure accurate identification in client samples, offering precise results through tailored processing and consultation.

Food Safety - Microbiology

QIB Extra offers a rapid, confidential and cost-effective way to address your microbiological needs.

Food Quality / Nutritional Analysis

QIB Extra can help your business in all aspects of food quality; shelf-life, authenticity, texture analysis and product consistency.

National Collection of Yeast Cultures (NCYC)

National Collection of Yeast Cultures (NCYC) provides a range of yeast related services for the brewing and baking industry and academic researchers. 

Nutritional Information Solutions (NIS)

Nutritional Information Solutions provides a cost effective service to calculate front and back of pack food labelling for food producers.  

IFR Extra - Food Science Solutions Fast

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Latest News

New service: TraDIS-Xpress


QIB Extra recently introduced TraDIS-Xpress, a groundbreaking service designed to assess the importance of individual genes in a bacterial genome within specific conditions. This service helps generate libraries of distinct mutants, gauges the impact on gene expression, and facilitates the examination of essential genes. It's a significant step forward for genetic investigations.

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QIB Extra's Quality Policy


Take a look at our Quality Policy 

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