
Dr Ida Porcelli


After completing her undergraduate research project at the Nestle Research Centre of Lausanne, Switzerland, and obtaining her degree in Biology from the University of Naples, Italy, Dr Ida Porcelli moved to the United Kingdom to undertake her DPhil in Biochemistry and Molecular Microbiology at the University of Oxford. Following her DPhil, Ida was awarded postdoctoral fellowships at the Institute Pasteur in Paris, France; the Sir Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford, UK; and the Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

She moved to Norwich, UK in 2007 to start a postdoctoral position at the Institute of Food Research (now Quadram Institute), firstly working on acid stress response in Campylobacter jejuni and subsequently focusing her research on the Metatranscriptomic and Metagenomic analysis of the gut microbiome in response to pathogen invasion.

After a career break, Ida was employed as Team Leader of the LAMP COVID-19 testing lab at Earlham Institute, as part of a National Health Service scheme aimed at weekly testing asymptomatic NHS staff.

Ida joined QIB Extra as a microbiologist in September 2022, where she brings her extensive experience and knowledge of Microbiology and Molecular Biology to the team.


Dr Alan Brailsford

Head of Operations


Dr Martin Webb

Consultant Microbiologist


Kirsty Holmes



Chris Tallent

Business Management Officer


Carmen Nueno-Palop

Business Development Manager (NCYC)


Jeanette Newman

Microbiologist (NCYC)


Maria Monzon

Microbiologist (NCYC)



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